For over a decade, we have served a wide range of clients, building capacity and accompanying them towards greater, more sustainable impact. We approach our client work with a win-win perspective: not only do we endeavour to contribute to the expansion and strengthening of our clients’ goals, but we also ensure a valuable experience for our consultants; one that will lead them on a path to become change-makers and impact-driven leaders.
As a student-led consultancy, NSC offers a range of pro-bono business consulting services for organisations in the social and environmental sector. Each team of 5 consultants will be dedicated to a client project for the duration of one semester (+/- 12 weeks).
Our Consultants
As one of NOVA SBE’s largest and most popular student clubs, we carefully select our consultants based on analytical competencies, drive and creative problem solving skills but also their ability to see the big picture necessary to address complex societal issues. Our diverse teams are thus composed of highly capable, fast learning and committed students that we further empower to become future leaders.
Our Consulting Areas of Expertise
Our clients’ trust has allowed us to support them across a multitude of challenges and opportunities: we are committed to tailoring our projects to the organisations’ needs and specificities.

Business Strategy Design and Evaluation
We validate business models, assess and adjust strategy plans, and work on customer acquisition and retention.
Marketing & Communication Strategy
We provide support with pricing models, social media strategy, social media engagement, customer analytics, and brand awareness.
Financial Sourcing
We provide support with investors’ pitch, debt and equity, donations, fundraising strategy, and strategic and corporate partnerships.
Impact Measurement
We identify key metrics for our clients, establish data collection methodologies, and report and communicate the impact generated.
Program to Implement Projects
In partnership with the Nova SBE Impact Experience Hub, NSC is now offering its clients the opportunity to host an implementation intern to bring to life some of the consulting team’s recommendations. This can take place in semesters following the initial consulting project and candidacies put forward by NSC will be evaluated by the Program to Implement Projects committee.